
Who We Are



The reason we exist as a church is the grace of God. God saved us by His grace, not because of our works, and so we cherish what the Bible calls the Gospel.

The Gospel is the good news that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior; that through His death and resurrection He saves from sin and judgment everyone who puts their trust in Him; and that He is restoring all things, beginning with us! Everything we believe and do is rooted in this good news of God’s amazing grace.

To learn more about our doctrine, click here.


We believe that the church isn’t just a collection of individuals, but a community that God is forming in order to display His glory. Vista is a community of redeemed sinners, learning to love like Christ. It can be messy & challenging because we aren’t perfect yet. But since God’s love doesn’t depend on our deserving or earning it, neither should our love for and commitment to one another. Our community of faith is built on and sustained by the Gospel of grace!


Life’s purpose is more than earning a paycheck, accumulating possessions, and being entertained. God has invited us and is equipping us to participate in His mission of redemption & renewal in the world. Therefore, with the Gospel, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and in community with one another, we are prayerfully seeking to make disciples in this world, starting in our own homes and community!

Vista Community Church is part of
the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA)
In essentials unity,
in non-essentials liberty,
and in all things charity.”

To learn more about the EFCA, visit:


Church Leadership

The Bible recognizes two offices in each local church: Elders and Deacons.

According to the teaching of the New Testament, elders are pastors and therefore they are responsible for the spiritual leadership, shepherding, and general oversight of the church; while the deacons are responsible for oversight and service in the church related to specific, designated areas of ministry need.

Vista Community Church is blessed to be served by the following elders and deacons.


Find Us Here

20018 NE 22nd Ave, Ridgefield WA, 98642